Cold Jet

Cold Jet is the global leader in developing environmentally responsible dry ice blasting and dry ice production equipment. Cold Jet is an OEM of dry ice blasting solutions that offer a more effective and sustainable alternative to other methods such as abrasive, soda, and sandblasting. Dry ice blasting, also called dry ice cleaning, is an environmentally sustainable cleaning and surface preparation technique. Dry ice blasting uses recycled solid carbon dioxide (CO2) pellets or MicroParticles, which are blasted at supersonic speeds and sublimate on impact, lifting dirt and contaminants off the underlying substrate. Dry ice cleaning is non-abrasive, non-conductive, non-toxic, and non-flammable. It is also chemical free, water free and does not create secondary waste streams. Our dry ice blasting equipment features unparalleled technology and can be used in a variety of industries and applications.
Traditional cleaning methods use chemicals, water and abrasives which require excessive time and extreme caution while creating downstream waste. Dry ice cleaning can restore vehicles to factory condition in a fraction of the time.
What is dry ice blasting?
Dry ice blasting, also called dry ice cleaning, is an environmentally sustainable cleaning and surface preparation technique. Dry ice blasting uses recycled solid carbon dioxide (CO2) pellets or MicroParticles, which are blasted at supersonic speeds and sublimate on impact, lifting dirt and contaminants off the underlying substrate. Dry ice cleaning is non-abrasive, non-conductive, non-toxic, and non-flammable. It is also chemical free, water free and does not create secondary waste streams.
What is dry ice blasting used for?
Dry ice blasting is a non-destructive solution for cleaning, surface preparation, and parts finishing. Dry ice blasting does not require water or cleaning chemicals and does not produce secondary waste. Dry ice blasting (cleaning) can be used in industries like aerospace & aviation, automotive, contract cleaning, food & beverage, plastics & composites, restoration, textiles, and more. Common applications within these industries include adhesive removal, coatings & corrosion removal, composite tool cleaning, remediation, parts finishing, and surface preparation. As you can see, dry ice blasting can be used for a wide range of applications.
Dry ice cleaning offers a non-toxic, environmentally sustainable alternative to traditional cleaning methods that does not create secondary waste in the cleaning process, does not require chemicals, and does not use valuable and expensive water in the cleaning process. It can also reduce time and labor costs when compared to other methods.
Applications: Fin Fan Coolers, Turbine Cleaning, Rust Removal, Bitumen and Tar, Crusher Motor, Food & Beverage, Heavy Haulers, Calcium Build Up, Plastic & Composites, Oil Sands, Heat Exchangers, Variable Frequency, Drives, Furnaces, Mould Remediation, Bitumen Spill/Leak Cleaning, Foundry, Electrical Equipment, Aerospace etc.
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